We strive for a future in sport that is inclusive with equal opportunity for all

Our mission

We're on a mission to change the lack of diversity and inclusion in sports event volunteering. Volunteers and people are the greatest legacy to any sporting event. However, there is a lack of diversity and inclusion within the sports volunteering workforce due to multiple social, financial and educational barriers of entry.

Our goal is to make sports event volunteering accessible for all.


Who we are

To Be Sport is a registered CIC in the UK that launched as part of the International Olympics Committee Young Leaders programme. Our aim at To Be Sport is to make sports event volunteering more accessible, diverse and inclusive. We give young people from underserved communities the tools they need to be part of major sporting events and unlock their potential as future leaders in sport.

Our values

  1. Unity

We want a future in sport that’s diverse, inclusive and brings equal opportunity for all.

  1. Collaboration

We build strength from working together and supporting each other to achieve our common goals.

  1. Change

We continuously fight for progress and change for a more progressive future in sport.

Our research

Before launching To Be Sport, we completed extensive research for 2 years with expert interviews, surveys and sharing best practice to test the problem statement: 'sports events volunteering does not give equal access and opportunity for all young people.'

The core findings from our research made it clear that there is work to be done:

  • 80% of respondents believe that lack of confidence prevents youth from applying to such opportunities

  • 84% of experts believe that motivation is the most important factor in the recruitment of sports event volunteers

  • 98% of survey respondents and experts believe that To Be Sport is a good idea

The 3 biggest barriers to access sports event volunteering are:
Financial costs
Lack of confidence
Lack of information

To Be Sport is breaking down these barriers through our Changemakers programme